Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 4: Post your Blog Entries as Comments to my Main Post Each Week

Post by Sunday at midnight.


  1. 1. Hong-seob Shim

    2.Uniting youth for a better world

    3. I want to know Uniting youth organizations and students exchange program.and I want to know positive effect of those programs and institutians.


    5.Kelly, who was once an YFU exchange student to Australia in 1986, stresses that exchange students are in fact grass-roots diplomats who, through their first-hand experiences, send out messages of peace and mutual understandings.



  2. 1.Park Kyu Hwan

    2.Alcohol problem

    3.Alcohol is serious problems all over the world.And when young people drink alcohol,this problem will be bigger and bigger.We can easily see the young drunk around us.


    Facts about alcohol
    Alcohol is drug that works directly on the central nervous system. Alcohol kills more male teenagers and young men than any other drug taken to affect mood and behavior (heroin, cocaine, marijuana). Despite this alcohol is a legal (for adults) and socially acceptable way of altering mood states - at least in western societies.

    Most deaths and injury due to alcohol are caused by the way people behave when under its influence. Men fight more, drive more recklessly , and engage in more risky behaviors. Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for the three leading causes of death among youth: unintentional injuries (including motor vehicle crashes and drownings), suicides; and homicides. Alcohol also puts you at greater risk from sexual behavior where you find you have more than you had planned on- a sexually transmitted disease or an unwanted pregnancy!

    Alcohol intake and teen health
    Because the body changes so much as we grow, the ability both to judge and cope with alcohol changes all the time. Everyone seems to know of someone who can drink booze by the bucket-load but this shouldn't be seen as something to aspire towards. Teens are the most likely group to have their stomachs pumped after excessive alcohol intake. At the end of the day it has to be remembered that alcohol is a toxin.

    Effects of excessive Alcohol on young bodies

    Youthful 'immature' organs can literally be poisoned by alcohol.

    The liver can be damaged. It takes a few days for it to recover and to get back to normal functioning after a 'session'.

    The heart can beat so irregularly that it can stop.

    The body can lose temperature causing hypothermia. Every year some teens die when they get drunk and pass out in the freezing cold.

    Too little sugar in the body can cause coma and seizures.

    Breathing can become so shallow or slow that it can stop.

    One of the most common ways in which teens (and adults) die from alcohol is by choking on their own vomit. If you vomit when you are unconscious you can easily breath it in. If your body cannot get the oxygen it needs brain damage or death results.
    Knowing when to stop drinking alcohol
    One of the dangers of drinking is not recognizing when you have had too much. Different drinks have varying alcohol content and the body reacts differently to alcohol according to whether or not you have eaten, how thirsty you are, even the time of day it is. Even if you stop drinking the level of alcohol can continue increasing. No amount of coffee, cold baths, showers, or trying to walk it off will stop it.

    Taking a meal before drinking only slows the process. Once alcohol gets to the small intestine the effects kick in. The only thing that reverses the effect of alcohol is time.

    Emergency help for alcohol poisoning
    If someone is becoming unconscious and also has shallow breathing and/or is looking blue, has a slow heart beat and maybe starts to vomit, get urgent medical assistance. Phone emergency services(911 US or 999 UK). Better to be safe than have a damaged or dead friend.

    All this stuff may sound dramatic but ask your parents if they ever knew or heard of someone badly affected by booze. I remember 3 guys; one died, one has permanent brain damage and one lost a leg in a motor bike accident.

    Article Sources:

    "Alcohol and Public Health." National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. 31 Jan 2005. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 29 Nov 2006 .


  3. 1. Jung-Kwan Lim

    2. education of disabled students

    3. Is it desirable to separate disabled students from the able-bodied?
    I think everyone should be taught collectively, not separately. The ministry of education separates disabled students from the able-bodied in order to facilitate education. However, it makes un invisible wall to themselves and to their parents who have disabled children. Besides, in case they are fully educated in some ways, they might enter society that doesn't overlook different ability between disabled people and the able-bodied. It means that disabled people should compete with not only the disabled but also the able-bodied. So we should not separate disabled students from the able-bodied because disabled students need some time and practice to accustom to competition with the able-bodied.


    5. MADISON, Wis. — Garner Moss has autism and when he was finishing fifth grade, his classmates made a video about him, so the new students he would meet in the bigger middle school would know what to expect. His friend Sef Vankan summed up Garner this way: “He puts a little twist in our lives we don’t usually have without him.”
    People with autism are often socially isolated, but the Madison public schools are nationally known for including children with disabilities in regular classes. Now, as a high school junior, Garner, 17, has added his little twist to many lives.



  4. 1. Jeong Kwang Hoon

    2. Teenager's trip will be tribute to Anzac spirit

    3. I think the experience of teenager period is really really important. If they can experience various things, they will be developed well. And it will be really helpful to their study. This article is about teenager's trip that they will go to Europe to experience Anzac spirit. That is about world war 1. Many students saw about that in their text book, but they have never experienced the war. So, I think it will be great opportunity for them. They will experience directly and listen about war situation that time from who was a victim of war. Although I didn't have much experience when I was middle and high school student, but I hope current students have much experience.


    5. FOR many teenagers, a trip to Europe might evoke dreams of lazy days, wild nights and discovering new cultures and people. But for Campbell town Performing Arts High School student Laura Trevaskis, her European adventure will be quite different. The year 12 student will spend two weeks touring the World War I cemeteries and battlefields of France and Belgium and documenting it along the way. She was one of 12 NSW students who left for the trip yesterday, as part of the Premier's Anzac Memorial Scholarship. She told the Advertiser on Friday that she was unsure of what to expect. "I'm getting really nervous and a little bit scared," she said. "I'm going to be on the other side of the world and I've never been overseas before. "I'm anticipating something but I don't know what it is yet.
    "I want to leave my mind open." As Laura has no direct relatives who fought in the war the Advertiser organised for her to meet Don Nash at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. He was named in honour of his uncle, Campbell town Digger Don Nash, who was a victim of the fighting in 1918. The Nash family generously loaned Laura a rising sun badge and "Australia" shoulder insignia that once belonged to the Digger to take with her overseas. Laura said she had been reading books and war poetry as part of her preparation. "I like more personal stories about the war, rather than documentation," she said. "I find it really hard to get around the language they use. "I've been told to see the graves but it's going to be pretty daunting. "To actually see that in front of you, about how many people died."
    During her trip, Laura will be taking photos for the collage she will make for the scholarship assignment. Her collage will be themed around the Anzac spirit.



  5. 1.Yun Yeon Jung
    2.Most teenage single moms quit school: survey

    3.In korea, most teenage single moms quit school.
    Some school request them to quit school, when they pregnant. I think that someone who have baby, then they should need their capability for their baby. Although they decided huge problem. But our society(including school) have very negative side to teenage single mom. Although they dont have other plans, we should help them to study more whatever they want.


    The vast majority of teenage single mothers dropped out of school or suspended their studies, a survey showed Tuesday.

    According to the survey conducted by the Catholic University of Daegu in 35 support centers nationwide, 84.8 percent of the teenage mothers who decided to give birth took a few semesters off or quit school.

    Of them, 34.2 percent were students in vocational high schools, 17.8 percent in middle schools and 13.7 percent in academic high schools.

    The survey, the first of its kind, followed a recent demand by the National Human Rights Commission that the Education Ministry take measures to guarantee the teenage single mothers’ rights to learn.

    The average age at which single teenage mothers gave birth was nearly 17. Among them, 41.1 percent were 18, 23.3 percent 17 and 19.2 percent were 16.

    Younger age groups such as 16, 15 and 14 followed with 19.2 percent, 5.5 percent and 9.6 percent.

    Most had their first sexual relations at age 15 or 17 -- 24.7 percent and 23.3 percent, respectively.

    These young single mothers were also prone to further sexual relations and thus another pregnancy, showed the survey.

    Some 27.4 percent of the respondents conceived more than two babies, not all of them necessarily brought to term.

    Responses from schools varied.

    In 31.8 percent of the cases, the school recommended that the single mother return to school after delivery. In 13.6 percent, however, the student was requested to quit school or take semesters off, answered the respondents.

    Despite the unwelcoming stance, 94.5 percent of the respondents wished to resume their academic careers. Most thought that a high school degree was the minimum requirement to live in dignity and 27.6 percent aspired to go to university.


  6. 1. Kwak Bo Ram

    2. We need to get right module for sex education

    3. today, attention to the sex education is increasing. teens are pregnant through wrong sex education. also, wrong sex education cause teens to health problems. teens' knowledge of sex is changed through right module for sex education. kids need to learn the sex education. parents need to learn the sex education. parents should refer to sex for teens. so, I think sex education in school and family is carried out interactively.


    Debate regarding the teaching of sex education in school has been ongoing, with the recent comment from the teacher`s union saying that teachers are not trained to teach sex education.
    poor handling of the subject can lead to students being exposed to half-truths that can be detrimental.

    How can we approach sex education in schools? First, we can introduce a half-weekly counselling office in all secondary schools staffed by a qualified nurse trained in counselling adolescents.

    Such a person should be qualified to handle sex education. The counsellor or nurse can have an office three days in a week, with perhaps two-hour contact sessions per day. He can also be tasked with teaching lower secondary school children on how to take care of both their physical and mental health.

    A professional nurse can teach young adolescents how to take care of personal hygiene and mental health. The nurse can also have other practical uses in a school.
    Second, we must know how we want to deliver the sex education message. We cannot take it too lightly. What sex education module is right for our schools? What should we call it? Sex education is not just about sex, it should be broadened to include themes in adolescent sexuality.
    Finally, when should sex education be introduced? In lower secondary or upper secondary? I feel that it would be more useful to introduce the programme from lower secondary, running all the way through upper secondary. It should be about coping positively with one`s sexuality.


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  8. 1. WOO JI YEON

    2.Sexy moves provoke debate over teen idols

    3.most of idol group too young.
    but today's trend preper young boy and girl.
    they express sexy aspect and many people enthusiastic young girl group because they create sexy images.
    young teenage appears inappropriate aspect
    they just teenager not adult.
    but they look like adult.
    they lose their aspect such as pure or innocent .
    this is the problem in entertainer bussiness.
    in this situation, our goverment have to enforce the certain low to limited effect


    today, many young idol group age are too young
    they just 15~19age.
    but they shakes their body and creats sexy point, expose their body.
    they look inapproriate.
    they promote sexy image through the dance and sing.
    in the past many idol groups average age of 22 21 and 19 but now more decreased their age.
    the idol just teenager not adult.
    But despite the increasing number of young entertainers, the nation’s governing body for broadcasting has no specific rules on teenagers working in the industry.


  9. 1. Kim min ah

    2. Gloomy chuseok holiday

    3. Unemployment among young people still biggest problem in our county. And also it is sameness in national holiday 'Chuseok.' There are many young people couldn't go their home or place that their parents live. Because of feel sorry for their parents and some other uncomfortable feelings. Chuseok is one of biggest holiday in Korea. May be everyone look forward to be Chuseok to meet their family and relatives. And young people even they don't have job, they also missing their family. I was sad about this news.
    Someday, may be shortly I will try to get a job. It will be very hard. but I hope not to be one people that who can't be one's home.


    A young man standing outside his small Oktapbang, a tiny room built on the roof of a multifamily house, says with a sigh, “I will be middle-aged and unemployed sooner or later...,” as he looks up at a full moon veiled by raindrops.

    Inside his room hangs a paper that says, “Continuing youth unemployment.”

    Another young man calls his parents and says, “I will come and see next year...” with job listings hanging on the wall of his Oktapbang.

    According to Statistics Korea, the unemployment among young people between the ages of 15 and 29 improved slightly, standing at 7.0 percent last month. However, analysts estimate the real rate is over 10 percent.

    (Hankyoreh Geurimpan Sept. 20)


  10. 1. Kim Ji Young

    2. lend an ear to teens

    3. Teens are very unstable. Adults and school must make them stable. Indifference makes them feel separate. We need to communicate with them. If someone understand teens, they won't feel lonely. We need to increase the number of counselors and it must become easy to access.


    As a result, the suicide rate among teenagers in Korea has skyrocketed. According to the survey, the number of elementary, middle and high school students who committed suicide last year exceeded 200 for the first time, a whopping 47 percent increase compared with the previous year. The reasons for the suicides vary, from domestic discord and low test scores at school to trouble with romantic relationships and bullying at school. About 29 percent killed themselves for unspecified reasons.

    Adults around these children, therefore, failed to notice the signs of their anguish. Needless to say, the indifference by adults both at home and at school to the mental health of these children contributed to their deaths.

    In this situation, the best medicine is prevention based on active communication between parents and their children. Too many parents shut the door to dialogue at crucial moments when their kids are undergoing drastic changes both physically and mentally. So parents should first open their hearts to help their kids overcome these personal challenges. Schools can - and should - play this role for students who don’t have parents, as should local communities and governments if need be.

  11. 1. IL-ho. Jang

    2. Korea: A women‘s soccer powerhouse

    3. Korean girl's national soccer team won the final of the FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup. Many people said "Korean is hot pot." Winners are just teenagers. The general public is concerned them. I think that is temporary. But they need continuous supports. Korean sports is three Elite sports. Soccer, baseball, basketball. Man's elite sports. I worry about outstanding ability girl's future. We must have a continuous attention of girl's sports.


    South Korea won the country’s first ever World Cup title on Sunday after the women’s national team beat Japan 5-4 in a penalty shoot out in the final of the FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup.

    “My team never gave up and they fought with everything every time. This is the main reason for our success here in Trinidad and Tobago,” Korean manager Choi Duck-joo was quoted as saying by the………


  12. 1.Jeong Won Bum

    2.Teenagers eat 'sweet snack' average of four times one's a day.

    3.Todays, teenagers eat 'sweet snacks' and 'Junk snacks' average of four times one's a day. I think it very dangerous not only teenagers and youth but also the human of all over the world. People have to eat good food and build healthy eating habits. Junk foods make our body weak and they have no nutrient. But Junk foods is quite delicious, so teenagers like them. Once teens eat them, they want more and more. Then, it can change their eating habits. So, I think we have to set the teens's eating habits right when they are young.


    4.Nowadays, Korean teenagers eat 'sweet snacks' and 'Junk Snacks' average of four times one's a day. As we classify, cookies, bread, milk products, soda etc... On the other hands, most of people who eat much sugars and snacks are obesity.



  13. 1. Choi Ji Hoon

    2. Parents, children and substance abuse

    3. After i read this article, i am shoked by article content. a lot of people too.
    Child growing up learned to parents. But,
    these things if there is a bad problem, Caused very serious problem. i think it is severed strongly.

    4. ----------------------------

    5. Many educators point to parents as a problem in the world of underage alcohol and drug abuse. Too many parents who frequently consume alcohol or who are addicted to legal or illegal drugs nonetheless preach, ``Do as I say and not as I do."

    Today he is talking about his new book, ``How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid: The Straight Dope for Parents," published by Simon and Schuster. He told me that all proceeds go directly to support CASA. With regard to parents, Califano said, ``Interestingly, I've been to at least 25 different organizations and the thing that comes through is that many parents are a big part of the problem. Parents tell me that they experience a lot of pressure from other parents regarding this."

    The Columbia group has instituted CASA Family Day ― A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Kids, to be celebrated on Monday, Sept. 27. For more information, visit

    As a health advocate, Califano was ahead of his time when he warned about tobacco addiction and passive smoke inhalation. ``Back in 1978 when I declared our offices a drug-free building, I arrived at work the next day and was met with picket signs. Today we see a dramatic change in attitudes, and we can do the same thing with alcohol and drugs."

    Change comes, albeit slowly. Some 30 years later, May 31 was declared ``World No Tobacco Day.

    6. -------------


  14. 1. Jeong SoRa
    2. Working teens uninformed on rights
    3. Most of Korea teens is students in school to attend University, but Today, Many Korea teens are likely to earn their money to buy some goods. (I think It is because capitalism get broader in most part of sociaty. Companies producing fashions, entertainment, etc. are more interested in strategies to sell thier their goods for teens. It is also problem.) So, teens want to get more money, working is best way for them. They work in part-time job. But Korea government wouldn't have guaranteed thier labor right Although teens are the weak.
    Now, teenagers are protected from violences of job hunter. Some people say that labor in teens is useless and teens, as students, should only study hard. But I think diverse experiences are worth making them endurable aganist life hardships. So I insist that society should do its best to protect teens' right.
    4. ---------------------------------------
    The government has stepped up its efforts to inform teenagers about their rights as workers at a time when relevant labor standards are often violated by employers, the Ministry of Employment and Labor said Thursday.

    Interest in part-time jobs is soaring among teens, according to a report commissioned by the ministry. The survey of 3,202 teenagers aged 15 through 18 showed that 90.8 percent showed interest in taking a part-time job if the right opportunity came along.

    But teens on the job hunt would be wise to know their rights before taking up employment, the ministry said.

    “The report identified that in many workplaces, labor standards were not observed, including minimum wage and respecting working hours for teens,” a ministry spokesperson said.

    Some 79 percent of those surveyed admitted knowing little about the laws and regulations pertaining to them as workers.

    Among those with work experience, 1.2 percent reported experiencing sexual assault or harassment at the workplace. Among them, only two reported the incident to the police or a labor association.

    Regarding workplace safety, only 57 percent of those injured on the job claimed for their injury, while 30 percent were compensated. Two percent were either fired or quit due to being hurt.

    Only 14.5 percent knew those under 15 years old must obtain a special certificate to be hired, and less than half knew about regulations related to night and weekend shifts.

    The statistics have prompted the ministry to bolster its educational outreach program for youth, dubbed “alja, alja.”

    “The results of the survey have been reflected in the promotion plan for the alja alja campaign,” the spokesperson said.

    Meanwhile, the report showed that some 90 percent of vocational high schools provide career educational training. Around 86 percent of those surveyed said they were offered career education resources at their school at least once a year.

    Some 80 percent of the teens sought part-time jobs to save money, while 7 percent wanted to gain work experience. Four percent reported working to supplement their parents’ income.

    The most frequently held jobs were posting advertisement flyers (46 percent), fast food services (9.8 percent) and positions at cyber cafes or comic book rental stores (8.9 percent).


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  17. 1. Joonkoo Chung

    2. Youths’ openness on networking sites brings big trouble

    3. When I was a teenager, the high speed Internet(ADSL) spread rapidly as well as many internet social network services. But it was only for young generations. Old generations couldn't catch up these kind of technologies. So there were no problems like in this article. Teachers didn't even use the Internet properly. However, the situation has been changed. The Internet and social network services are common for every generation. Teachers are using these SNS for an alternative way of discipline. It may not be welcomed by teenagers, but I think it's a brilliant idea. They're saying about invading privacy, but in my opinion, to a certain level, they should be controlled their behavior outside of school. If students don't want to get caught or invaded their privacy, they simply can set the options in SNS. There's no one to blame. It's their fault.


    Lee, a senior at an international school in Seoul, is like many teenagers these days.

    In addition to studying many hours each day and preparing for college, she frequently shares the ups and downs of her life on Facebook, writing updates about her daily travails and posting pictures of her personal life.

    But Lee's relative openness online recently carried some real-world consequences. After posting pictures on Facebook of her drinking alcohol with friends, Lee received an in-school suspension for three days. As it turns out, a teacher whom Lee added as her “friend” on Facebook saw the pictures and notified the principal, who then notified her parents.

    “Frankly, I felt invaded,” Lee said. “I wasn’t even on school grounds. I think I have the right to do what I want outside of school. The school and its teachers shouldn't be allowed to invade my privacy and try to control my life outside of school.”


  18. 1. Joonkoo Chung

    2. Social networking can be risky for college applicants

    3. One of the significant changes of contemporary teenagers is that they're using social network services (SNS)a lot. There were SNSs when I was a teenager, but they weren't that popular. And even teachers or school officers wouldn't think that they could use SNS for investing student's behavior outside of school or evaluate applicants. But things are different now. Teenagers should be aware of current situation. Also, there should be some kind of educations for teenagers how to use SNSs properly.


    Most recently, one Korean student in the Fairfax district reportedly had his admission revoked from an Ivy League school after posting pictures on Facebook showing alcohol consumption.

    "Underage drinking is illegal," said Lee, "so that's what the school didn't like. A prestigious university wouldn't want anyone breaking the law as part of its student body."

    He stressed that students should remember every posting they submit online is not only open to their friends, but others who can possibly make or break their academic career.


  19. 1. Jo Young Joo
    2. Teens Show Flesh on Web Site for Pocket Money
    3. When I was student (middle, highschool), I was always looking for part-time job. And my friends did so. These day, there are many teens at part-time job like fast-food restaurant, PC room, convenience store ,etc. I think they want to buy something special or normal as I did. But in this article, there is something doubted. BJ can be changed something wrong by requirement of audience. They have to be supervised strictly. Then they can keep BJ-ing.
    4. ---------------------------------------------------------------
    5., an online broadcasting Web site, is being used as a venue for teenagers to "show flesh" for pocket money and is being patronized by those wanting to look up schoolgirls' skirts.

    The site, famous for broadcasting sports or online games as well as satire "without limits," has recently come under fire for the considerable number of female "broadcaster jockeys"' (BJ) suggestive poses or comments aimed at receiving "star balloons," a cash rewarding system.

    Users can buy a "balloon" for 100 won per pop and post it for a BJs' good performance. The balloons are intended to support the BJs, but these days are considered as money leading the presenters to go "wild" performing sexy and revealing dances.

    On Sunday afternoon hundreds of Internet users gathered on a channel of a young female BJ on the Web site. She was wearing a T-shirt showing off her abs and was dancing to the latest pop song.

    Whenever she received a balloon, she called out the senders' IDs to thank them and gyrated a bit harder. Fans were chatting live with her and shared ideas about her dancing, face and physical shape.

    On another channel, a BJ was wearing a short sleeve shirt with a plunging neckline.
    Whenever she moved, her cleavage was shown from a different angle. Another was wearing a short skirt, with the camera angle focusing on the hem of the skirt. The number of such channels is small compared to the tens of thousands of spaces allocated for sports or debating purposes.

    However, many of these young and sexy BJs are ranked high on the user list, reflecting their growing popularity.

    Dong-A Ilbo daily reported about 40 percent of those exhibiting on the site were teens. The paper quoted a 17-year-old high schooler who had managed to "rake in 1 million won during vacation."

    The management set out to defend their star balloon system of cash back or gift vouchers.
    "We have established a 24-hour-monitoring system for racy or violent scenes. If caught, they are suspended from operation," the management of Afreeca was quoted as saying to the newspaper.

    6. ----------------------------------
