2. Over 700,000 students take college entrance exam
3. They(student) finally did it. Congratulations. But, They should cosider many things. School's level, Tuition, future plans, get a job, other Lanquages, many license. Adults and the Establishments can't give hope. They must find that themselves. If they don't know real college lifes. Their future is dark. College or University is no more places of leaning. Just My thinking..
More than 700,000 high school students and graduates in South Korea took the nation's college entrance exam on Thursday, as the government enforced traffic control and anti-noise measures to ensure that the most crucial test in a student's life was executed without any glitches.
The day-long standardized College Scholastic Ability Test is administered at 1,206 test centers across the country, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said, adding that the number of applicants was up 5 percent from the previous year, at 712,227.
The scholastic ability test weighs heavily on a student's career opportunities in a society where academic background and alma mater are widely accepted means of measuring individuals.
The test runs nearly 10 hours, including lunch and breaks, and consists of five sections -- Korean language, mathematics, English, social and natural sciences, and a second foreign language.
As in previous years, the government imposed various measures to maintain order, increasing the frequency of subway and bus operations and banning automobiles within 200 meters of each test center.
During an English listening test in the morning and another in the afternoon, flight landings and takeoffs are banned, and vehicles and trains are advised against honking.
Government offices and enterprises near test centers delayed their opening by one hour to 10 a.m. Hundreds of police cars offered emergency transportation service to students wanting to arrive at test centers on time.
Test takers are banned from carrying to their seats electronic devices, including mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players and electronic calculators, for concerns they might be used for cheating.
Students will be individually notified of their test results by Dec. 8, the education ministry said.
2. Over 700,000 students take college entrance exam
3. You finally did it. Congratulations. But you should consider many things. Tuition, get a job, other language, many license. College life is not good any more. College or university is not places of leaning. Just build their career. That is dark reality of our society.
More than 700,000 high school students and graduates in South Korea took the nation's college entrance exam on Thursday, as the government enforced traffic control and anti-noise measures to ensure that the most crucial test in a student's life was executed without any glitches.
The day-long standardized College Scholastic Ability Test is administered at 1,206 test centers across the country, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said, adding that the number of applicants was up 5 percent from the previous year, at 712,227.
The scholastic ability test weighs heavily on a student's career opportunities in a society where academic background and alma mater are widely accepted means of measuring individuals.
The test runs nearly 10 hours, including lunch and breaks, and consists of five sections -- Korean language, mathematics, English, social and natural sciences, and a second foreign language.
As in previous years, the government imposed various measures to maintain order, increasing the frequency of subway and bus operations and banning automobiles within 200 meters of each test center.
During an English listening test in the morning and another in the afternoon, flight landings and takeoffs are banned, and vehicles and trains are advised against honking.
Government offices and enterprises near test centers delayed their opening by one hour to 10 a.m. Hundreds of police cars offered emergency transportation service to students wanting to arrive at test centers on time.
Test takers are banned from carrying to their seats electronic devices, including mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players and electronic calculators, for concerns they might be used for cheating.
Students will be individually notified of their test results by Dec. 8, the education ministry said.
1. Kim min ah 2. Computer game addiction is no fun 3. I already know about seriousness of computer addiction among the youth. But Its getting worse, and makes me angry. Why they addited to computer and kill his mother? I totally don't understand those kind of people. Don't they have something that escape from computer? well, It should be solved immediately. ---------------------------------------------- By Kang Shin-who, Kwon Mee-yoo
A 15-year-old middle schoolboy strangled his mother earlier this week in a fit of anger during an argument over his playing of violent computer games and then took his own life, sounding a wake-up call to the whole nation. . . . . .
3. How long have you been learning English? Most of university students have been learning English at least 10years. But they do not speak and listen English well. Why this situation continues? I think that there are 2 reasons. One is too much academic tendency and the other is teaching method. Firstly too much academic tendency can be obstacle to learning English. Because students think English is difficult and feel afraid about English. So teachers should make students feel comfortable about English when teaching it. Secondly teaching method can be obstacle. Because in Korea, Most of school force students to learn vocabulary by rote. But because of this compelling method, student's lose their interest. We must make new teaching method ,so that students enjoy learning English.
5. At one school in Korea, learning English isn’t just about memorizing vocabulary and practicing test questions. Here, the play’s the thing. Teachers, students and around 400 audience members gathered in the auditorium of Taegu Foreign Language High School, a public boarding school in Daegu, for the second annual TFLHS English Play Festival July 6-7. In the festival, 18 plays - nine productions each for first- and second-year students - competed for trophies and prizes that were awarded by the school principal, Choi Sung-hwan. First-year student Che Da-jeong remarked that the crowd made the performers nervous, especially because it was larger than expected. “Even though I was prepared, I was very nervous,” she said. “The crowd was so big.” Despite her nerves, Che delivered an excellent performance, which earned her the Best Actress award for her grade. She says that she has learned a lot from the experience. “I learned some idioms and could practice my pronunciation,” Che said. “I also enjoyed the chance to improve my teamwork.” The theater festival was started in 2009 by this writer and William Chiang, both English teachers, as a project and performance test for their English conversation classes. First-year students were given 10-minute scripts to perform, while second-year students, who participated in the festival last year, wrote and produced their own 10-minute plays. Chiang and this writer selected the top one or two productions from each class to compete in the festival. The students have been working on this project for the last three months.
Chiang, an American who has been teaching in Daegu for nearly four years, says that the two teachers conceived the festival as a way for students to develop their language, time management and cooperative skills in a group project, while also improving their confidence in English speaking. Second-year students also “learned how to write dialogue and learned the flow of a play-the structure,” Chiang says. Second-year student Hwang Su-in, who won the Best Actress award for her grade, noted the difference between acting in a play and writing her own play for performance. “Last year we just got the scripts and followed along, but this year we could write what we want,” she explained. “It was our own play, so we could enjoy it more.” First-year student Hong Jun-hyeok, who won Best Actor for his grade, said that the greatest reward an actor can receive is to communicate with an audience. “Thinking about the crowd having fun because of me and my acting made me really proud of myself,” he says. “It made all the preparation meaningful.”
1. woo ji yeon 2.36 percent of teenage girls experienced sex, a study found
3.our world, many teenager have sexual intercourse. no longer the teenager are not teens in the past. the times has changed we are necessary the system for teenager in current. we have limitation to preven teenager's action we are looking for another solution that they can take responsibility for her actions. for example educate the Contraception way and, The knowledge of sex. then, at least reduce the damage to young people Unwanted pregnancies. for them they have to establish the concept of adequate sex.
5.About 36 percent of teenage girls aged 17 reported having sexual intercourse, a study conducted by the Indiana University on the sexual behavior in America showed. CNN reported that teenage girls between the ages of 14 to 17 showed more interest in sex than boys at the same age; ten percent of 14-year-old teenage girls reported having sex compared to four percent of boys at the same age
Men’s and women’s perception of sex differed. The study on sex among adults found that 85 percent of men said their female partners had achieved satisfactory orgasms; about 65 percent of women said their male partners satisfied them, CNN reported
1. Kim Dana 2. Facebook influence a lot to US Youth's love life. 3. I think Facebook does influence to youth. not just their love life but also friendship and every, or most relationship with other people. if there is Facebook in US, there is a cyworld in Korea. which is also social net working system. cyworld or facebook are also used for showing off to their connections in friend list. upload pictures, write diary or social interaction with others can be one of way to showing off. (showing off their relationship with people, showing off their life style.. and ETC) but the problem is.. that this way of showing off is interrupting their real life. make youth to checking all the time. checking new feedbacks, writings, news and so on. so like this article mentioned, youth are spending too much time for checking their facebook. I think youth should figure out relationship with people by internet or real life. and they should realize which one is more important. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This 19th, CNN internet published Seventeen magazine's (which magazines for teenagers) survey that facebook does influenced to teenagers love life or farewell a lot.
this magazine had survey, 16 to 21 years old, about 10.000 of teenagers. and result of survey showed that , 79% of teenager said they are adding people as their friend, even they got to know them for a week.
and 60% of teenager said at least once in a day, they are checking their boy or girl friend's facebook. and 40% said they are checking their boy/girl friend's facebook for few more times a day.
72% of teenager answered that they think they could be more friendly with people by internet. and it does effected to their real life relationship.
also 10% of respondent said they change their relationship statues to single right after farewell, 27% of respondent said they block their boy/girl friend's Newfeeds , so that they could improve their relationship with their ex boy/girl friend.
but 73% of respondent answered they left their ex boy/girl friend in their friend list.
43% of girls said they don't date with people by profile, but 67% of boys said they do date with girls just by profile.
Seventeen magazines editor Ann Shoke said " teenagers were so open minded to make me surprise, and also I could get result which can prove facebook does influential to their love life." --------------------------------------------------- http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/11/20/2010112000345.html
3. these day, game addiction is increasing. from adults to teens is various. but especially, game addiction at a young age can lead to serious problem. most game that teens play have violence. game addiction cause serious problem. game addiction cause depression and mental anxiety. therefore school should teach precaution against game addiction. extreme measures is not good for teens. in fact, most important thing is parents care and love.
5. A middle-school teen strangled his mother to death for forbidding him to play computer games and then committed suicide. A while ago, a game addict in his 20s killed his mother with a knife. Another compulsive game player in his 30s died after playing games nonstop for five days without a decent meal.
A runaway couple was arrested five months after they allowed their three-month-old infant to starve to death while they played online games. The couple sometimes went on with game-playing for 12 hours and ignored their crying baby. When they finally pulled themselves away from playing, they fed her spoiled milk. The couple had met on the Internet. All these monstrous crimes took place this year.
Internet or game addiction is not just a misguided indulgence or amusement. It can lead to grave social illnesses and problems. Recent medical studies discovered that Internet addiction can led to mental disorders and a lack of constraint, numbing physical senses as much as overdosing on drugs and alcohol. Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to external arousal and excited feelings resulting from violent Internet games.
Addictions developed at a young age can lead to serious repercussions. Obsessive computer use can take a toll on the body and the mind, robbing it of valuable experiences and opportunities in social and character building and education. The development of a mature and confident member of society can be at risk.
1.Yun Yeon Jung 2.Protecting our idols 3.Nowadays, most of teenagers wanna be a celebrity. They want to receive interests from many people. Yes, Who doesn't want to receive interests from other people? Celebrity is good job to receive lots of interests. But, It also has problems. Many idol singers suffer from many things. I feel sometimes they just work like a slave. They have to work most of days, and they have no private at all. It is quite miserable. And It is an inconsistent idea. They got fame but they got problem as well. We also have to consider they are also just normal teenager. And we also inform to teenager like idol singer's miserable life as well. ------------------------ ‘Superstar K,” the local version of the popular U.S. music talent show “American Idol,” attracted more than 1.34 million viewers across Korea in its second season.
That amounts to roughly twice the number of people who tuned in for the first season of the show, which airs on cable television.
Teenagers account for the bulk of the viewership. So many young Koreans aspire to get into the entertainment business, talent scouts joke, that auditions are now as intense and competitive as the civil service exams.
But there’s a dark underside to the country’s entertainment world. Under the current structure, companies that manage and recruit talent wield enormous power over teenagers hoping to become the next Korean idol. These teenagers are also under enormous pressure to “make it” in the business no matter the circumstances.
So it’s no wonder that exploitation and abuse are rampant, as highlighted in a survey of teenagers in the industry by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
About 60 percent of underage female entertainers who responded to the survey, for instance, said their booking managers or agents have pushed them to expose as much skin as possible in their appearances.
Singers and dancers in female idol groups are sent on stage dressed up in sexy outfits, and they perform sensual dance moves to lure in adult men.
These adolescents suffer from sleep disorders and depression because of the constant demands to appear sexy, according to the study.
They are also deprived of their rights to study and pursue a professional career.
Many are forced to drop out of school and are subjected to horrendous work schedules that leave little time for education, let alone fun with family and friends.
The conditions they work under are barbaric compared to what young entertainers in Western societies experience. The teen actors in the Harry Potter movies, for example, are on set no more than nine and a half hours a day, three of which are reserved for private tutoring.
There’s currently a campaign in Korea pushing for laws that would ensure student athletes get study time each day, but teen entertainers remain neglected.
The current star-making machine here does not even guarantee teenagers the opportunity to earn an education.
We must remember that these teenagers are still vulnerable and need the protection and encouragement of adults.
If the nation does not change the entertainment industry’s current structure, we will fail in our responsibilities to Korea’s youth.
1. Joonkoo Chung 2. Report Shows Plight of Puerto Rican Youth 3. The impression of Latinos in the USA, for me, isn't that good. I've never lived in the USA so the image I have is from news report or TV series. Especially on TV series, Latinos are always regarded as criminals. This article gets my attention because among Latino Youth, the Puerto Rican Youth are having more problems than others. The article says that citizenship and immigration make the differences between them. I think it's quite interesting and I think there are more reasons to explain this phenomenon.
But by many measures, young Puerto Ricans are faring far worse than the young Dominicans, Mexicans and other Latinos in New York, according to a report to be released on Monday by the Community Service Society of New York, a leading antipoverty group.
Puerto Ricans ages 16 to 24 have the lowest rates of school enrollment and employment, and the highest rates of poverty among Latino New Yorkers. Puerto Rican men are more than twice as likely as their Mexican peers to be out of school and out of the labor force. Puerto Rican women are more likely to be out of school and unemployed than Dominican or Mexican women.
The findings, culled from the Census Bureau’s annual surveys from 2006 to 2008, show that Puerto Rican youth are the most disadvantaged of all comparable groups, including young black men, in New York, the report said.
“We are terribly concerned about the issues facing young Latinos, but particularly young Puerto Ricans,” said David R. Jones, the society’s president and chief executive. “It’s shaping the landscape of New York, and it’s happening really quickly.”
Since they began arriving in the city in large numbers in the 1940s, Puerto Ricans have made their mark in many realms, including business, culture and politics. Some of those political leaders — including Representative José E. Serrano, who has represented the South Bronx for two decades, and Fernando Ferrer, the former Bronx borough president — strongly disputed the study’s conclusions that Puerto Ricans are any worse off than other Latinos.
2. Korean children and teenagers are in poor health.
3. There are a lot of students in Korea have very weak physical condition. They become bigger and taller but their fitness ability is decreasing. They spend more their time to play computer game and their cellular phone than before. But a few decades ago, there were not computers and cell phones. So, our adults spent their time in play ground. So, they didn't need to work out in their spare time. Even it is really competitive to enter the university, our teenagers focus more on studying for school exam. And if they become senior in high school, school prohibit their physical class because to let them go to good university. That's too bad. Our society need new policy for our teenagers.
5. According to a report on the physical strength of elementary, middle and high school students, the percentage of students in the top two fitness categories out of five fell by 8 percent between 2000 and 2008, while those belonging to the lowest two groups rose by 11 percent.
Meanwhile, the number of obese students has grown from 9.4 percent in 2002 to 11.2 percent in 2008. Our students have become bigger and weaker. The number of children with hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and diabetes, all normally adult diseases, has increased drastically over the last few years.
Since children of today have been fed very well, especially compared to the old days, it is hard to believe they are weak and sick.
But feeding them too much is the cause. Many parents encourage their children to eat any type of food, and the children often eat high-calorie snacks. Many children travel from home to school to private lessons by car, thanks to their parents, depriving them of the chance to walk. Such an upbringing conditions them to become obese and develop diseases.
3. These days kids are acting too much to the teacher. In the past, these actions did not even imagine. Becoming increasingly selfish world, Teachers and children's boundaries are disappearing.
5. Schools remain anything but free from violence as more teachers and students get involved in fights despite the ban on corporal punishment within the classroom.
Teacher beaten by student
One middle school in western Incheon said Monday that a 13-year-old male student, identified by only his last name Kim, struck a female contract teacher in her 40s, identified by her surname Lee, with his fist several times during an after-school class on Nov. 10.
The student was looking for a friend attending Lee’s class at the time. Kim opened a window to the classroom from the hallway and stuck his head inside to have a better look for his friend. The teacher ordered him to close the window and go away. But he did not budge. Lee then came out into the hallway and slapped Kim’s face.
In response, Kim knocked Lee down by hitting her with his fist several times. Lee took a sick leave and has not returned to school since the incident.
A school official said Kim was accidentally violent at the time, adding he now deeply regrets his wrongdoing.
“He will receive psychological counseling at a state-run educational center until the winter vacation. Even though it was wrong of the teacher to slap the student, we have no plan to reprimand her because she gave him multiple warnings in advance and was physically hurt by the student.”
3. These day Teachers and children's boundaries are disappearing. Many people are sympathetic and feel the severity of situation. To exploit this relationship should not be happening
5. Schools remain anything but free from violence as more teachers and students get involved in fights despite the ban on corporal punishment within the classroom.
Teacher beaten by student
One middle school in western Incheon said Monday that a 13-year-old male student, identified by only his last name Kim, struck a female contract teacher in her 40s, identified by her surname Lee, with his fist several times during an after-school class on Nov. 10.
The student was looking for a friend attending Lee’s class at the time. Kim opened a window to the classroom from the hallway and stuck his head inside to have a better look for his friend. The teacher ordered him to close the window and go away. But he did not budge. Lee then came out into the hallway and slapped Kim’s face.
In response, Kim knocked Lee down by hitting her with his fist several times. Lee took a sick leave and has not returned to school since the incident.
A school official said Kim was accidentally violent at the time, adding he now deeply regrets his wrongdoing.
“He will receive psychological counseling at a state-run educational center until the winter vacation. Even though it was wrong of the teacher to slap the student, we have no plan to reprimand her because she gave him multiple warnings in advance and was physically hurt by the student.”
1. Il-ho. Jang
ReplyDelete2. Over 700,000 students take college entrance exam
3. They(student) finally did it. Congratulations. But, They should cosider many things. School's level, Tuition, future plans, get a job, other Lanquages, many license. Adults and the Establishments can't give hope. They must find that themselves. If they don't know real college lifes. Their future is dark. College or University is no more places of leaning. Just My thinking..
More than 700,000 high school students and graduates in South Korea took the nation's college entrance exam on Thursday, as the government enforced traffic control and anti-noise measures to ensure that the most crucial test in a student's life was executed without any glitches.
The day-long standardized College Scholastic Ability Test is administered at 1,206 test centers across the country, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said, adding that the number of applicants was up 5 percent from the previous year, at 712,227.
The scholastic ability test weighs heavily on a student's career opportunities in a society where academic background and alma mater are widely accepted means of measuring individuals.
The test runs nearly 10 hours, including lunch and breaks, and consists of five sections -- Korean language, mathematics, English, social and natural sciences, and a second foreign language.
As in previous years, the government imposed various measures to maintain order, increasing the frequency of subway and bus operations and banning automobiles within 200 meters of each test center.
During an English listening test in the morning and another in the afternoon, flight landings and takeoffs are banned, and vehicles and trains are advised against honking.
Government offices and enterprises near test centers delayed their opening by one hour to 10 a.m. Hundreds of police cars offered emergency transportation service to students wanting to arrive at test centers on time.
Test takers are banned from carrying to their seats electronic devices, including mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players and electronic calculators, for concerns they might be used for cheating.
Students will be individually notified of their test results by Dec. 8, the education ministry said.
(Yonhap News)
1. Il-ho. Jang
ReplyDelete2. Over 700,000 students take college entrance exam
3. You finally did it. Congratulations. But you should consider many things. Tuition, get a job, other language, many license. College life is not good any more. College or university is not places of leaning. Just build their career. That is dark reality of our society.
More than 700,000 high school students and graduates in South Korea took the nation's college entrance exam on Thursday, as the government enforced traffic control and anti-noise measures to ensure that the most crucial test in a student's life was executed without any glitches.
The day-long standardized College Scholastic Ability Test is administered at 1,206 test centers across the country, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said, adding that the number of applicants was up 5 percent from the previous year, at 712,227.
The scholastic ability test weighs heavily on a student's career opportunities in a society where academic background and alma mater are widely accepted means of measuring individuals.
The test runs nearly 10 hours, including lunch and breaks, and consists of five sections -- Korean language, mathematics, English, social and natural sciences, and a second foreign language.
As in previous years, the government imposed various measures to maintain order, increasing the frequency of subway and bus operations and banning automobiles within 200 meters of each test center.
During an English listening test in the morning and another in the afternoon, flight landings and takeoffs are banned, and vehicles and trains are advised against honking.
Government offices and enterprises near test centers delayed their opening by one hour to 10 a.m. Hundreds of police cars offered emergency transportation service to students wanting to arrive at test centers on time.
Test takers are banned from carrying to their seats electronic devices, including mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players and electronic calculators, for concerns they might be used for cheating.
Students will be individually notified of their test results by Dec. 8, the education ministry said.
(Yonhap News)
1. Kim min ah
ReplyDelete2. Computer game addiction is no fun
3. I already know about seriousness of computer addiction among the youth. But Its getting worse, and makes me angry. Why they addited to computer and kill his mother? I totally don't understand those kind of people. Don't they have something that escape from computer? well, It should be solved immediately.
By Kang Shin-who, Kwon Mee-yoo
A 15-year-old middle schoolboy strangled his mother earlier this week in a fit of anger during an argument over his playing of violent computer games and then took his own life, sounding a wake-up call to the whole nation.
1. Jung-Kwan Lim
ReplyDelete2. learning English method
3. How long have you been learning English? Most of university students have been learning English at least 10years. But they do not speak and listen English well.
Why this situation continues? I think that there are 2 reasons. One is too much academic tendency and the other is teaching method. Firstly too much academic tendency can be obstacle to learning English. Because students think English is difficult and feel afraid about English. So teachers should make students feel comfortable about English when teaching it. Secondly teaching method can be obstacle. Because in Korea, Most of school force students to learn vocabulary by rote. But because of this compelling method, student's lose their interest. We must make new teaching method ,so that students enjoy learning English.
5. At one school in Korea, learning English isn’t just about memorizing vocabulary and practicing test questions. Here, the play’s the thing.
Teachers, students and around 400 audience members gathered in the auditorium of Taegu Foreign Language High School, a public boarding school in Daegu, for the second annual TFLHS English Play Festival July 6-7. In the festival, 18 plays - nine productions each for first- and second-year students - competed for trophies and prizes that were awarded by the school principal, Choi Sung-hwan.
First-year student Che Da-jeong remarked that the crowd made the performers nervous, especially because it was larger than expected.
“Even though I was prepared, I was very nervous,” she said. “The crowd was so big.”
Despite her nerves, Che delivered an excellent performance, which earned her the Best Actress award for her grade. She says that she has learned a lot from the experience.
“I learned some idioms and could practice my pronunciation,” Che said. “I also enjoyed the chance to improve my teamwork.”
The theater festival was started in 2009 by this writer and William Chiang, both English teachers, as a project and performance test for their English conversation classes. First-year students were given 10-minute scripts to perform, while second-year students, who participated in the festival last year, wrote and produced their own 10-minute plays. Chiang and this writer selected the top one or two productions from each class to compete in the festival. The students have been working on this project for the last three months.
Chiang, an American who has been teaching in Daegu for nearly four years, says that the two teachers conceived the festival as a way for students to develop their language, time management and cooperative skills in a group project, while also improving their confidence in English speaking.
Second-year students also “learned how to write dialogue and learned the flow of a play-the structure,” Chiang says.
Second-year student Hwang Su-in, who won the Best Actress award for her grade, noted the difference between acting in a play and writing her own play for performance.
“Last year we just got the scripts and followed along, but this year we could write what we want,” she explained. “It was our own play, so we could enjoy it more.”
First-year student Hong Jun-hyeok, who won Best Actor for his grade, said that the greatest reward an actor can receive is to communicate with an audience.
“Thinking about the crowd having fun because of me and my acting made me really proud of myself,” he says. “It made all the preparation meaningful.”
7. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2923238
1. woo ji yeon
ReplyDelete2.36 percent of teenage girls experienced sex, a study found
3.our world, many teenager have sexual intercourse.
no longer the teenager are not teens in the past.
the times has changed we are necessary the system for teenager in current.
we have limitation to preven teenager's action
we are looking for another solution that they can take responsibility for her actions.
for example educate the Contraception way and, The knowledge of sex.
then, at least reduce the damage to young people Unwanted pregnancies.
for them they have to establish the concept of adequate sex.
5.About 36 percent of teenage girls aged 17 reported having sexual intercourse, a study conducted by the Indiana University on the sexual behavior in America showed.
CNN reported that teenage girls between the ages of 14 to 17 showed more interest in sex than boys at the same age; ten percent of 14-year-old teenage girls reported having sex compared to four percent of boys at the same age
Men’s and women’s perception of sex differed. The study on sex among adults found that 85 percent of men said their female partners had achieved satisfactory orgasms; about 65 percent of women said their male partners satisfied them, CNN reported
1. Kim Dana
ReplyDelete2. Facebook influence a lot to US Youth's love life.
3. I think Facebook does influence to youth. not just their love life but also friendship and every, or most relationship with other people. if there is Facebook in US, there is a cyworld in Korea. which is also social net working system. cyworld or facebook are also used for showing off to their connections in friend list. upload pictures, write diary or social interaction with others can be one of way to showing off. (showing off their relationship with people, showing off their life style.. and ETC) but the problem is.. that this way of showing off is interrupting their real life. make youth to checking all the time. checking new feedbacks, writings, news and so on. so like this article mentioned, youth are spending too much time for checking their facebook. I think youth should figure out relationship with people by internet or real life. and they should realize which one is more important.
This 19th, CNN internet published Seventeen magazine's (which magazines for teenagers) survey that facebook does influenced to teenagers love life or farewell a lot.
this magazine had survey, 16 to 21 years old, about 10.000 of teenagers.
and result of survey showed that , 79% of teenager said they are adding people as their friend, even they got to know them for a week.
and 60% of teenager said at least once in a day, they are checking their boy or girl friend's facebook. and 40% said they are checking their boy/girl friend's facebook for few more times a day.
72% of teenager answered that they think they could be more friendly with people by internet. and it does effected to their real life relationship.
also 10% of respondent said they change their relationship statues to single right after farewell, 27% of respondent said they block their boy/girl friend's Newfeeds , so that they could improve their relationship with their ex boy/girl friend.
but 73% of respondent answered they left their ex boy/girl friend in their friend list.
43% of girls said they don't date with people by profile, but 67% of boys said they do date with girls just by profile.
Seventeen magazines editor Ann Shoke said " teenagers were so open minded to make me surprise, and also I could get result which can prove facebook does influential to their love life."
1. Kwak Bo Ram
ReplyDelete2. The evil posed by computer games
3. these day, game addiction is increasing. from adults to teens is various. but especially, game addiction at a young age can lead to serious problem. most game that teens play have violence. game addiction cause serious problem.
game addiction cause depression and mental anxiety. therefore school should teach precaution against game addiction. extreme measures is not good for teens.
in fact, most important thing is parents care and love.
5. A middle-school teen strangled his mother to death for forbidding him to play computer games and then committed suicide. A while ago, a game addict in his 20s killed his mother with a knife. Another compulsive game player in his 30s died after playing games nonstop for five days without a decent meal.
A runaway couple was arrested five months after they allowed their three-month-old infant to starve to death while they played online games. The couple sometimes went on with game-playing for 12 hours and ignored their crying baby. When they finally pulled themselves away from playing, they fed her spoiled milk. The couple had met on the Internet. All these monstrous crimes took place this year.
Internet or game addiction is not just a misguided indulgence or amusement. It can lead to grave social illnesses and problems. Recent medical studies discovered that Internet addiction can led to mental disorders and a lack of constraint, numbing physical senses as much as overdosing on drugs and alcohol. Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to external arousal and excited feelings resulting from violent Internet games.
Addictions developed at a young age can lead to serious repercussions. Obsessive computer use can take a toll on the body and the mind, robbing it of valuable experiences and opportunities in social and character building and education. The development of a mature and confident member of society can be at risk.
7. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2928614
1.Yun Yeon Jung
ReplyDelete2.Protecting our idols
3.Nowadays, most of teenagers wanna be a celebrity. They want to receive interests from many people. Yes, Who doesn't want to receive interests from other people? Celebrity is good job to receive lots of interests. But, It also has problems. Many idol singers suffer from many things. I feel sometimes they just work like a slave. They have to work most of days, and they have no private at all. It is quite miserable.
And It is an inconsistent idea. They got fame but they got problem as well. We also have to consider they are also just normal teenager.
And we also inform to teenager like idol singer's miserable life as well.
‘Superstar K,” the local version of the popular U.S. music talent show “American Idol,” attracted more than 1.34 million viewers across Korea in its second season.
That amounts to roughly twice the number of people who tuned in for the first season of the show, which airs on cable television.
Teenagers account for the bulk of the viewership. So many young Koreans aspire to get into the entertainment business, talent scouts joke, that auditions are now as intense and competitive as the civil service exams.
But there’s a dark underside to the country’s entertainment world. Under the current structure, companies that manage and recruit talent wield enormous power over teenagers hoping to become the next Korean idol. These teenagers are also under enormous pressure to “make it” in the business no matter the circumstances.
So it’s no wonder that exploitation and abuse are rampant, as highlighted in a survey of teenagers in the industry by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
About 60 percent of underage female entertainers who responded to the survey, for instance, said their booking managers or agents have pushed them to expose as much skin as possible in their appearances.
Singers and dancers in female idol groups are sent on stage dressed up in sexy outfits, and they perform sensual dance moves to lure in adult men.
These adolescents suffer from sleep disorders and depression because of the constant demands to appear sexy, according to the study.
They are also deprived of their rights to study and pursue a professional career.
Many are forced to drop out of school and are subjected to horrendous work schedules that leave little time for education, let alone fun with family and friends.
The conditions they work under are barbaric compared to what young entertainers in Western societies experience. The teen actors in the Harry Potter movies, for example, are on set no more than nine and a half hours a day, three of which are reserved for private tutoring.
There’s currently a campaign in Korea pushing for laws that would ensure student athletes get study time each day, but teen entertainers remain neglected.
The current star-making machine here does not even guarantee teenagers the opportunity to earn an education.
We must remember that these teenagers are still vulnerable and need the protection and encouragement of adults.
If the nation does not change the entertainment industry’s current structure, we will fail in our responsibilities to Korea’s youth.
1. Joonkoo Chung
ReplyDelete2. Report Shows Plight of Puerto Rican Youth
3. The impression of Latinos in the USA, for me, isn't that good. I've never lived in the USA so the image I have is from news report or TV series. Especially on TV series, Latinos are always regarded as criminals. This article gets my attention because among Latino Youth, the Puerto Rican Youth are having more problems than others. The article says that citizenship and immigration make the differences between them. I think it's quite interesting and I think there are more reasons to explain this phenomenon.
But by many measures, young Puerto Ricans are faring far worse than the young Dominicans, Mexicans and other Latinos in New York, according to a report to be released on Monday by the Community Service Society of New York, a leading antipoverty group.
Puerto Ricans ages 16 to 24 have the lowest rates of school enrollment and employment, and the highest rates of poverty among Latino New Yorkers. Puerto Rican men are more than twice as likely as their Mexican peers to be out of school and out of the labor force. Puerto Rican women are more likely to be out of school and unemployed than Dominican or Mexican women.
The findings, culled from the Census Bureau’s annual surveys from 2006 to 2008, show that Puerto Rican youth are the most disadvantaged of all comparable groups, including young black men, in New York, the report said.
“We are terribly concerned about the issues facing young Latinos, but particularly young Puerto Ricans,” said David R. Jones, the society’s president and chief executive. “It’s shaping the landscape of New York, and it’s happening really quickly.”
Since they began arriving in the city in large numbers in the 1940s, Puerto Ricans have made their mark in many realms, including business, culture and politics. Some of those political leaders — including Representative José E. Serrano, who has represented the South Bronx for two decades, and Fernando Ferrer, the former Bronx borough president — strongly disputed the study’s conclusions that Puerto Ricans are any worse off than other Latinos.
1. Jeong Kwang Hoon
ReplyDelete2. Korean children and teenagers are in poor health.
3. There are a lot of students in Korea have very weak physical condition. They become bigger and taller but their fitness ability is decreasing. They spend more their time to play computer game and their cellular phone than before. But a few decades ago, there were not computers and cell phones. So, our adults spent their time in play ground. So, they didn't need to work out in their spare time. Even it is really competitive to enter the university, our teenagers focus more on studying for school exam. And if they become senior in high school, school prohibit their physical class because to let them go to good university. That's too bad. Our society need new policy for our teenagers.
5. According to a report on the physical strength of elementary, middle and high school students, the percentage of students in the top two fitness categories out of five fell by 8 percent between 2000 and 2008, while those belonging to the lowest two groups rose by 11 percent.
Meanwhile, the number of obese students has grown from 9.4 percent in 2002 to 11.2 percent in 2008. Our students have become bigger and weaker. The number of children with hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and diabetes, all normally adult diseases, has increased drastically over the last few years.
Since children of today have been fed very well, especially compared to the old days, it is hard to believe they are weak and sick.
But feeding them too much is the cause. Many parents encourage their children to eat any type of food, and the children often eat high-calorie snacks. Many children travel from home to school to private lessons by car, thanks to their parents, depriving them of the chance to walk. Such an upbringing conditions them to become obese and develop diseases.
7. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2920001
1. Choi ji hoon
ReplyDelete2. School violence dies hard
3. These days kids are acting too much to the teacher. In the past, these actions did not even imagine. Becoming increasingly selfish world, Teachers and children's boundaries are disappearing.
5. Schools remain anything but free from violence as more teachers and students get involved in fights despite the ban on corporal punishment within the classroom.
Teacher beaten by student
One middle school in western Incheon said Monday that a 13-year-old male student, identified by only his last name Kim, struck a female contract teacher in her 40s, identified by her surname Lee, with his fist several times during an after-school class on Nov. 10.
The student was looking for a friend attending Lee’s class at the time. Kim opened a window to the classroom from the hallway and stuck his head inside to have a better look for his friend. The teacher ordered him to close the window and go away. But he did not budge. Lee then came out into the hallway and slapped Kim’s face.
In response, Kim knocked Lee down by hitting her with his fist several times. Lee took a sick leave and has not returned to school since the incident.
A school official said Kim was accidentally violent at the time, adding he now deeply regrets his wrongdoing.
“He will receive psychological counseling at a state-run educational center until the winter vacation. Even though it was wrong of the teacher to slap the student, we have no plan to reprimand her because she gave him multiple warnings in advance and was physically hurt by the student.”
7. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/11/117_76782.html
1. Choi ji hoon
ReplyDelete2. School violence dies hard
3. These day Teachers and children's boundaries are disappearing. Many people are sympathetic and feel the severity of situation. To exploit this relationship should not be happening
5. Schools remain anything but free from violence as more teachers and students get involved in fights despite the ban on corporal punishment within the classroom.
Teacher beaten by student
One middle school in western Incheon said Monday that a 13-year-old male student, identified by only his last name Kim, struck a female contract teacher in her 40s, identified by her surname Lee, with his fist several times during an after-school class on Nov. 10.
The student was looking for a friend attending Lee’s class at the time. Kim opened a window to the classroom from the hallway and stuck his head inside to have a better look for his friend. The teacher ordered him to close the window and go away. But he did not budge. Lee then came out into the hallway and slapped Kim’s face.
In response, Kim knocked Lee down by hitting her with his fist several times. Lee took a sick leave and has not returned to school since the incident.
A school official said Kim was accidentally violent at the time, adding he now deeply regrets his wrongdoing.
“He will receive psychological counseling at a state-run educational center until the winter vacation. Even though it was wrong of the teacher to slap the student, we have no plan to reprimand her because she gave him multiple warnings in advance and was physically hurt by the student.”
7. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/11/117_76782.html